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[If You Tweet don’t be a Twit]
It's time to erect a robust online venture for censuring dumb tweets.
Can you copyright a tweet | Dumb tweets are being aggregated on Google | Don't tweet lampoon song | The world of twitter parody
One would think with all the dumb tweets circling the globe that this [unambiguous] 7 word domain name would've already been put to use by the next big social networking genius of our time.
* Forget about the $11.5 million price tag that this domain commands, and focus on the fun memories ahead, which will always overshadow a few million bucks in cost. Money comes and goes but memories can be priceless. Incidentally, buy a fun tee.
Purchase Site: acquire this domain by setting up an account with
I'm confident that you as a prospective buyer already know it will be the memories of conflict and funny stuff that drive interest and revenues, and to rationalize the idea even further, one only need to take into account that twitter will likely be around for at least another decade, giving owners plenty of time to capitalize on dumb tweets from all over the globe.
-- So let the submissions of dumb, shallow, outrageous, insensitive and angry tweets from today and tomorrow's twitter twits be your path to a conflict-filled social networking dynasty. Contact: